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Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Precession

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The only downside is you have to go in every six months to get spun up.

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44 days ago
gimbal-locked breasts is the stuff of nightmares.
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3 Comments and 4 Shares
I love their cover of 1,200 Balloons, Dalmatians, and Miles.
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179 days ago
21+5+4+2+100+3+9+1+1+30 = 176
179 days ago
If he left out GECS, would've been 76 (Trombones).
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180 days ago
Stupid Horse
180 days ago
Re: alt text: just realized that there are popular songs titled 8 mile, 25 miles, 500 miles, 1000 miles, and 2000 miles.
Washington, District of Columbia
179 days ago
So "3533 miles" would have sufficed, no need for the dalmations or balloons

Log Cabin

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I'm sure the building inspectors will approve my design once they finally manage to escape.
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213 days ago
This would fit so well in my resort next to my Tan Lodge.
213 days ago
It would be a sin not to applaud your comment. Well done!
213 days ago
"Why did you say that?" "Just cos".
212 days ago
let me cosine for a lease!
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212 days ago
Hard to beat the aesthetics of natural log
Bend, Oregon

Bug Thread

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After some account issues, we've added 6 new people from the beach house rental website support forum.
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235 days ago
I haven't read an xkcd that rang so true in awhile. What's best is when you post a solution to one of those threads and you get people for years thanking you profusely. I definitely agree with the sentiment though. I'd probably be friends with anyone who has drudged through that kind of technical nuance to overcome an issue.
235 days ago
+1 to that. I think it's one the few aspects left of the internet that resembles the early internet. Most everything else has been taken over by big corps, but such conversations deep in some forum threads remind me of the 20-25+ years ago…
235 days ago
It is a shame traditional messageboards died out, those are a treasure trove of problem solving and bug finding. Reddit kind of filled that hole but with it's enshittification that is no longer the case. Many users switched to Discord which is impossible to search.
235 days ago
same. really feeling this one.
234 days ago
I posted how two fix something in a reddit thread two years ago and get one reply a month on average with 'oh my god it solved it thanks'
233 days ago
I haven’t used Stack Overflow much for about a decade but every time I login I see points accumulating from a couple of answers I made back around 2010. Now I kind of feel sorry for anyone who’s still finding at least the jQuery one useful.
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227 days ago
Check VHTC https://www.vhtc.org/
235 days ago
My problem with threads like this is there tends to be one person at the bottom who replies "Never mind, fixed it" but never provides their solution!
Cedar Rapids
235 days ago
What did you see, DenverCoder9!! https://xkcd.com/979/

Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Hood

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It's uniforms all the way down, man.

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260 days ago
Is he barefoot? I'm told bay area tech culture is to wear Sperry Topsiders, but that's probably out of date.
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GOP voters had higher excess deaths rates after COVID vaccine rollout

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A woman watches white flags on the National Mall on September 18, 2021, in Washington, DC. Over 660,000 white flags were installed here to honor Americans who have lost their lives to COVID-19.

Enlarge / A woman watches white flags on the National Mall on September 18, 2021, in Washington, DC. Over 660,000 white flags were installed here to honor Americans who have lost their lives to COVID-19. (credit: Getty | Chen Mengtong)

Amid the pandemic, Republican voters in Ohio and Florida had a significantly higher rate of excess deaths after the nationwide rollout of COVID-19 vaccines compared with those who voted Democratic, according to a study published this week in JAMA Internal Medicine.

As the pandemic coronavirus spread between March 2020 and April 1, 2021, people from both parties saw similar surges in excess deaths—that is, deaths above what would be expected had there not been a global health crisis. But after April 1, when all adults in both states were eligible for vaccination, a gap emerged in the rate of excess deaths between Republican and Democratic voters. Republicans had an excess death rate 7.7 percentage points higher than their blue counterparts, amounting to a 43 percent difference in the excess death rates.

The study is just the latest to find a connection between political party affiliation and deaths during the pandemic. But, it takes the connection a step further, going beyond county-level political leanings and looking at how party affiliation linked to deaths at the individual level. The authors—all researchers at Yale University—focused on Ohio and Florida because those were the only two states with readily available public data on voter registration.

The study involved death data on 538,159 people in Ohio and Florida, age 25 and older, and their linked voter registration files. The researchers did not have complete data—the linked data didn't contain a cause of death or vaccination status. But, they could evaluate excess weekly deaths by age, state, county, and party affiliation. They found that the gap in excess deaths was larger in counties with lower vaccination rates, suggesting that lack of vaccination among Republican voters may partly explain the higher death rates.

Thus, they concluded "well-documented differences in vaccination attitudes and reported uptake between Republican and Democratic voters may have been factors in the severity and trajectory of the pandemic."

But, of course, there are limitations. Political affiliation may be a proxy for other underlying risk factors, including medical conditions or socioeconomic status (although the gap in excess death rates only appeared after the vaccine rollout). The adherence to other health measures—social distancing and masking—may also contribute to the political divide. The researchers suggest more research will need to detangle all the possible factors.

In the meantime, they suggest that the increased health risks to Republicans could continue as the pandemic virus carries on. Although over 270 million Americans (81.4 percent) have received at least one dose, more than 50 million adults have not completed a primary series, putting them at higher risk of death and severe disease. Public health efforts moving forward should focus not just on booster campaigns for the vaccinated but also on addressing vaccine hesitancy and refusal among the unvaccinated. So far, over 1.1 million people in the US have died from COVID-19.

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410 days ago
Democrats are playing 3D chess with this plandemic. It was bioweapon all along. It controlled the population by allowing Republicians to believe it was population control, thereby not getting the vaccines.
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